2018 has been an exciting year for our Nature Bridges family. We’ve traveled all over to construct our nature-friendly bridges, and we have had a blast doing so. While every project is great in its own way, here are our top 5 favorite projects completed in 2018.
#5: Habitat for Humanity House
Building a Habitat for Humanity home rewards everyone involved by giving those in need a place to call home. This year, our Nature Bridges team had the opportunity to work alongside our friends at Habitat for Humanity to create a home for our community members going through a rough patch. We contributed our services by setting the trusses, installing the plywood roof decking, and framing the interior walls so that this Habitat for Humanity House is now home-sweet-home to a happy family!
#4: New Smyrna Dunes Park
The New Smyrna Dunes Park was one of our favorite projects this year. This project took a year to complete, but the beautiful views and wildlife made every month worth it. We constructed a walkway over the dunes for visitors, all while protecting the animals who reside there. To learn more about how we helped the animals during this project, read our blog here.

#3: Neabsco Creek Boardwalk
We had the pleasure of working on the Neabsco Creek Boardwalk for the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail. This trail reaches from the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania to Chesapeake Bay, Virginia. Our observation deck and 3-story observation tower at Neabsco Creek will serve as a regional destination for environmental education, birding, and hiking access to the area.

#2: Innerarity Point Park
Innerarity Point Park is part of the Florida Coastal Access Project, working to increase public access and recreational opportunities in the area. The 3-acre park provides a unique opportunity for public use of the local waterfront. Nature Bridges constructed a series of accessible boardwalks, floating docks, and T-docks designed to create several connections to the water for fishing, swimming, and paddle crafts. Our team enjoyed using a mix of materials, including exotic hardwoods and custom metal guard rail systems to ensure this project lasts for years to come.

#1: Grand Ole Opry
The historic Grand Ole Opry is a weekly country music stage concert in Nashville, Tennessee founded in 1925, by George D. Hay. This icon of Nashville received a new Nature Bridges covered pedestrian bridge as part of a 2018 expansion project. The wooden bridge takes people over a road that runs between parking and the performance venue, increasing convenience and safety for concert goers. Nature Bridges’ mix of metal and wood materials created a bridge that is both functional and visually appealing.

Want to be in our Top 5 Projects of 2019? Give us a call today at (850)997-8585 to get started planning your nature-friendly project with Nature Bridges.
P.O. Box 516
Monticello, FL 32345
Phone: (850) 997-8585 Fax: (850) 385-3493