Building a bridge in natural or recreational areas means navigating government regulations, which are often complex. In the United States, these regulations ensure that bridges and other pathways are safe, durable, and compatible with the environment.
Types of Regulations for Bridge Construction
Environmental Impact Assessments are often essential for evaluating any potential effects to the environment. Especially in highly sensitive areas, an environmental impact assessment helps ensure that builders are in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act.
Permitting involves federal, state, and potentially local agencies and can’t be overlooked in the legal part of the building process. When a bridge affects waterways, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may also be involved.
Safety standards and building codes must be met for any structure, whether it’s on private or public land. This ensures that the structure is safe for its intended use.
Accessibility regulations help ensure that bridges and other pathways are accessible to all, including those with disabilities. For this, the Americans with Disabilities Act may play a role.
Historical preservation considerations may be needed if the structure is on or near a historical site. The National Historic Preservation Act is referenced in these cases.
How Nature Bridges Can Help

Photo Credit: Michael Washburg
Bridge construction projects, especially in natural or recreational areas, require keeping informed about local wildlife and plant regulations. These rules ensure the protection and preservation of habitats, including their native species. At Nature Bridges, we are bridge specialists in creating structures that not only blend seamlessly with the environment but that respect the local ecology during construction and use. Our experience extends beyond construction to navigating regulations specific to natural habitats, water quality impacts, and preserving ecosystems. Legal requirements are one thing, but using sound ecological practices to contribute positively to nature is also important to us. This approach supports our commitment to building environmentally conscious and compliant structures.
Nature Bridges’ design team and crews are experts at navigating these regulatory requirements. Not only do we review the plans and area to identify necessary regulations and permits, we are skilled in working near historical sites to ensure additional regulations that may be needed. Our adherence to safety standards, building codes, and ADA requirements is unparalleled through our Accredited Quality Contractor designation. Top down construction and other eco-friendly construction methods allow us to preserve habitats, allowing plant and wildlife to comfortably coexist with our structures.
Building a bridge or any other structure means navigating a complex web of government and specialized regulations. Nature Bridges offers expertise for working through these requirements, ensuring that your project is compliant, safe, and environmentally responsible. Talk with us about your next project, letting us take care of the building and compliance for you.
P.O. Box 516
Monticello, FL 32345
Phone: (850) 997-8585 Fax: (850) 385-3493